Surrounded by the last patches of snow, Chinese witch hazel and Bodnant viburnum brighten up a dreary winter's day with cheerful colours and heavenly, fragrant perfumes.
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Picture Description
The features, winter colours and plants in bloom are -
- Cottage garden features: fruit orchard terrace, garden table and swing seat, background - our neighbour's rustic red brick garden shed wall and trees and bushes.
- Cottage gardening winter flowers and colours in the:
- Foreground - Chinese witch hazel (Hamamelis mollis 'Pallida') in yellow and Bodnant viburnum (Viburnum x bodnantense 'Dawn') in pink.
- Background -
- Japanese or Golden privet (Ligustrum ovalifolium 'Aureum') on which the leaves in the shade (below the wall) stay green and the leaves above the wall are variegated in yellow and green.
- European Honeysuckle - (Lonicera periclymenum) - has overgrown the garden shed wall and remains green throughout the winter.
- Ivy - syn. English ivy or Common ivy (Hedera helix) - growing through the old wooden fence in front of our neighbour's firethorn hedge.
- You can see the slow progress of the 'replace the border rolls' job, little piles of wood here and there and the pitchfork left exposed to the elements.