The back garden of our cottage covered in snow and framed by the double rose arch - I think the flash on the camera gave the fairy tale light down the garden paths but the effect is magical.
Very large photo - see details close-up.
Picture Description
With everything covered in snow, we've included this picture to show how structure and height differences in garden design and layout can create a lovely view in the absence of any - visible - flowers.
- Cottage garden features: double rose arch framing the view of the rest of the garden, snow-packed garden paths, background - hardwood swing seat, shrubs.
- Cottage gardening plants silhouetted by the snow:
- Left - Beauty Bush - (Kolkwitzia amabalis 'Pink Cloud'.
- Centre and right - rose arches, hardwood swing seat and marble-top garden table with a wide range of shrubs forming a privacy hedge for the fruit orchard terrace, and our hanging bird feeder - we supply nuts all year round and add fatty seed balls to the menu from late autumn to early spring.
- In the large photo - use the link above, you can just see the yellow flowers of witch hazel and the pink petals of viburnum covered by the snow.
- There's an ancient bird house feeder at the base of the right arch - it's slowly rotting away (removed it in week three of February 2007) but it gets lot's of callers in summer.