So many flowers
- summer
Before you complete your cottage garden wish list, please view the principles of design as applied to cottage gardening. A basic understanding of these principles certainly helped us set our cottage garden design objectives.
We believe that compromise (no two wish lists are the same) and a sense of reality (wanting a tree that'll top 20 meters in height within ten years in a small garden is not realistic) are essential in this process.
We suggest that you use the following list structure as a guide:
Maybe our own wish list will serve as an example to help you decide your own garden desires.
This is a tricky one. I was a bachelor when I moved into our cottage so the initial design only took my wishes into account. The list below includes some major changes to the original design. Judy and I married soon after so her wishes (and a few practical things that bachelors tend to forget like a washing line) had to be granted as well.
Our garden measurement sketch shows that the back garden is surrounded by walls on three sides with a wooden fence and hedge behind it on the fourth side. The front garden is open on three sides - the exception is our home.
So what did we want in our dream garden?
Seem like a tall order? Not really
Let's go and sketch a layout plan for your cottage garden. - a Gardener's Practical Guide to Natural Cottage Gardening
Gardening Guide